Summary: FinTech Week Austria 2022
From May 27th to June 3rd, the most recent edition of the prestigious FinTech finance and technology event was held in Vienna, Austria. Organized by Accenture and AI Austria, it focused on artificial intelligence and blockchain technology and offered a multitude of high-level talks. Unfortunately, due to many of the talks being in German, many of the talks have not received the deserved media attention. To help solve this, here is our summary of this outstanding event.
Fintech Week is an event whose main purpose, in addition to keep its finger on the pulse of current events in the technological field and its new relationship with finance, is to “connect technological and digital talent with Fintech companies”. Several editions are usually held each year in different cities around the world. The most recent one took place in Vienna, Austria, and we are particularly interested in it because blockchain technology was one of the highlights.
The event, which was held in a hybrid format, face-to-face and online, was presented under the title of ‘Leveraging Data & AI. boosting Finance Services ‘ (Using data and artificial intelligence/Stimulating financial services).
One of the most applauded presentations was the one moderated by Natalie Staniewicz (Accenture FinTech Lead), which began with an opening speech by AI Austria and Accenture and continued with a talk on trends in AI and data, the challenges to grow and the opposition between corporate and startup models. Johannes Seebacher (CTO of Riskine ) and Stephan Hebenstreit (director of Yokoy in Austria) participated.
Another prominent panel was dedicated to the Data Mesh concept , which has recently positioned itself as one of the most important for managing the data model and supporting the transition of companies towards data-driven entities. The purpose is that the data is considered as a product throughout the company, vertically.
Philipp Eigner (Accenture Data Engineer) gave an introduction to the Data Mesh concept , while Lukas Kölbl (Accenture Head of Data) moderated a presentation with the participation of Felix Klemm (Director of Data and IA at Accenture); Dijana Jankovic-Jasic (head of BIC AT at Erste Bank Österreich); Georg Köldorfer (Advanced) analytics Product Owner at RBI); and Alexander Petzmann (Group Data Management at UNIQA Insurance Group).
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